2Q20 = 2nd Quarter of the 20th Century
Vintage California Decor
The items in our collection are authentic vintage treasures, many that appear in our books. As a 30 year long collector and specialist in vintage California furnishings we buy collections and sell a large inventory of Catalina Island Pottery & Tile, Bauer Pottery, Monterey furniture, tile murals, art, and artifacts.

Trusted for 30+ Years
Carole Coates (Herzog), owner of antique web shop 2Q20.com is an avid collector, dealer, author, and Curator who wrote two groundbreaking books. For over 30 years Carole has been passionate about helping clients find and refine their historic collections by integrating vintage decor into their modern or historic homes. Her vintage pottery, tile, and furnishings are often featured in books and museum displays.